When an unthinkable tragedy disrupts the lives of astronaut Sam Bowman and his wife Sarah, Sam accepts an interstellar mission to save the lives of a missing crew on a deep space voyage, abandoning his life on Earth in the process. But when a critical failure leaves him without a crew, and without hope, he's forced to reckon with a harrowing guilt he can no longer avoid.
Is Darkside on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Darkside is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Darkside becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Spencer Zimmerman | Writer |
Directing | Spencer Zimmerman | Director |
Production | Braiden Van Grootel | Producer |
Editing | Braiden Van Grootel | Editor |
Camera | Liam Meredith | Director of Photography |
Art | Raine Lemay | Production Design |
Sound | Greg Andersen | Music |
Sound | Henrique Andrade | Sound Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Tabeni Lightheart | Costume Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Alex Godlewski | Costume Designer |
Art | Morgan Greenwell | Art Direction |
Production | Jason Hamborg | Executive Producer |