"HEART-STOPPING TRAIN" discusses what exists between life and death, between space and time. It is a narrative that twists the viewer beyond, exploring the pain and sadness of human existence.
Is HEART-STOPPING TRAIN on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie HEART-STOPPING TRAIN is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when HEART-STOPPING TRAIN becomes available on Netflix!
Art | Luc da Silveira | Art Direction |
Directing | Luc da Silveira | Director |
Production | Luc da Silveira | Producer |
Editing | Luc da Silveira | Editor |
Production | Nina da Silveira | Producer |
Art | Nina da Silveira | Art Department Assistant |
Writing | Luc da Silveira | Writer |
Art | Lucas Granado | Art Department Assistant |
Camera | Luc da Silveira | Director of Photography |