Taeko and her husband, Jiro, are living a peaceful existence with her young son Keita, when a tragic accident brings the boy's long-lost father, Park, back into her life. To cope with the pain and guilt, Taeko throws herself into helping this deaf and homeless man.
Is Love Life on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Love Life is not yet available on Netflix.
Editing | Sylvie Lager | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Hanaka Kikuchi | Costume Designer |
Sound | Romain Cadilhac | Sound |
Sound | Charles Valentin | Sound |
Editing | Koji Fukada | Editor |
Camera | Hideo Yamamoto | Director of Photography |
Sound | Nicolas Moreau | Sound |
Sound | Manabu Kagara | Sound |
Sound | Olivier Goinard | Music |
Visual Effects | Frédéric Tribolet | Visual Effects |
Sound | Akiko Yano | Songs |
Art | Daichi Watanabe | Art Direction |
Writing | Koji Fukada | Screenplay |
Sound | Akiko Yano | Theme Song Performance |
Directing | Koji Fukada | Director |
Production | Masa Sawada | Producer |
Production | Yasuhiko Hattori | Producer |
Lighting | Akira Ono | Gaffer |
Production | Yûko Kameda | Producer |
Production | Hasumi Tomotake | Producer |
Art | 大和昌樹 | Decorator |
Lighting | Akira Ono | Gaffer |