The Ishinomori Manga Museum released an animated short directed by Takuya Inaba based on Shotaro Ishinomori's semi-autobiographical and wordless manga Jun: Shotaro no Fantasy World. The short was inspired by Ishinomori's hometown of Ishinomaki wishing to pay tribute to the work while also paying tribute to the ongoing rebuilding and recovery of Ishinomaki from the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of March 2011.
Is Jun: A City That Changes on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Jun: A City That Changes is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Takuya Inaba | Director |
Art | Takuya Inaba | Background Designer |
Writing | Takuya Inaba | Screenplay |
Writing | Kenya Hirata | Screenplay |
Writing | Kenya Hirata | Story |
Visual Effects | Takuya Inaba | Animation Director |
Art | Takuya Inaba | Storyboard Artist |
Sound | Haruna Karasuda | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | Masumi Amao | Animation Director |