Resonating Surfaces

Resonating Surfaces (2006)

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2006-12-17
  • Runtime: 0h 39min
  • Language: Français
  • Production Company: LUCA School of Arts
  • Production Country: Belgium, Brazil, France
  • Director: Manon de Boer


Resonating Surfaces is triple portrait, of a city, a woman and an attitude to life. For the personal story of Suely Rolnik, who is a Brazilian psychoanalyst currently living in São Paulo, involves the Brazilian dictatorship of the sixties as well as the Parisian intellectual climate surrounding Deleuze and Guattari in the seventies. The film is woven through by different themes: the other and the relation to otherness, the connection between body and power, the voice and, ultimately, the micropolitics of desire and of resistance.

Resonating Surfaces Trailer

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  • Suely Rolnik

Directing Manon de Boer Director
Crew Sébastien Koeppel Cinematography
Editing Manon de Boer Editor
Sound George Van Dam Music
Sound Manon de Boer Music
Sound Manon de Boer Sound Recordist
Production Manon de Boer Producer
Sound George Van Dam Musician
Sound Bastien Gilson Sound Recordist
Sound George Van Dam Sound Editor
Sound Bastien Gilson Sound Editor
Sound Christian Cartier Sound Mixer
Production Sven Grooten Producer
