During the Edo period, an incident occurred in a certain castle town where young samurai were weakened and died one after another. Suspicious, the chief retainer investigates and discovers that a beautiful princess named Tsukihime is giving her body to the young samurai every night and spreading her own disease. The chief retainer trapped Tsukihime in a pot with the help of a monk who used his magic powers and sank her into a pond, but when a female ninja servant came to rescue the princess, a huge earthquake struck. The princess and the kunoichi travel forward in time. There is a lot of fuss about AIDS in the streets as a strange disease of modern times. At one company, a situation was occurring in which employees were collapsing one after another. Tsukihime and Kuichi appear and cause a huge commotion.
Is Eizu o buttobase: Momoiro puttsun musume on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Eizu o buttobase: Momoiro puttsun musume is not yet available on Netflix.
Editing | Shōji Sakai | Editor |
Writing | Masumi Hirayanagi | Screenplay |
Directing | Mototsugu Watanabe | Director |
Crew | Yoshihiko Morita | Lighting Camera |
Sound | Takashi Akutagawa | Music |
Production | Shigeru Shioura | Producer |
Camera | Yōichi Shiga | Director of Photography |
Directing | Masahiro Kasai | Assistant Director |